Lawn Care
A dark green, lush, healthy weed free by Four Seasons Landscaping will be the envy of your neighborhood. We offer a choice of organic or non-organic programs. Our programs are developed to maximize the beauty of your property. Several factors will determine the outcome of your fertilization program.
Lawn Fertilization and Weed Management Program
A Licensed trained professional Four Seasons technician will make timely applications of balanced fertilizer, formulated for our region. These formulations vary during the season depending on growing conditions and your lawn’s needs.
Weed spray treatments are included in spring and fall to control such weeds as dandelions, clover, black medic, plantain plus many others. Spot spraying for new or persistent weeds are done between these treatments t keep weeds in check. Curb lines are always included with our full service program.
Crabgrass and Annual Weed Pre-emergent
Have you been fighting a losing battle with crabgrass, foxtail grass or other troublesome annual weeds? Four Season’s pre-emergent program of spring and/or fall treatments will drastically reduce seed germination of these troublesome weeds allowing your turf time to recover and fill back in.
Lawn Insect and Disease Management
Does your lawn have brown or off color spots? It could be a disease or insect causing the problem. Call Four Seasons Landscaping and we will send out a trained professional to diagnose and formulate a plan for controlling this issue. Sometimes simple cultural changes such as proper watering or mowing height may reduce problems.
Moss Control
Moss problems are usually a result or sign of poor cultural conditions. Four Seasons Landscaping will recommend ways to improve on these conditions. At times applications of ferrous sulfate or ferrous ammonium sulfate may be needed to keep knocking back the moss while over seeding the area to thicken the turf. However these products can stain concrete surfaces.
Tree and Shrub Care
Your trees and shrubs are your most valuable landscape asset. They provide shade, wind shelter, privacy and beautify your property. Maintaining that asset can be difficult, time consuming task. Four Seasons professional staff will help advise you on a plan to keep your landscape healthy and worry free.
Tree and Shrub Insect Management
Your landscape will benefit from timely, professional applications to minimize insect damage, keeping your trees and shrubs healthier and beautiful. In the early spring, an application of horticultural oil with copper will control insect eggs, scales and early stages of diseases. Later in the spring, as your plants begin to leaf out, insects such asaphids, caterpillars and mites will begin mobilizing to your property to feed and damage your plants. Four Seasons licensed technicians will be ready to fight back with applications of insecticide/miticides at timely intervals to stop the attack keeping insect populations in check.
Systemic Injections
Are you tired of the sticky mess on your car or patio from dripping trees? Four Seasons will come out early spring and/or late in the fall to do a root zone injection to reduce the insects that are causing this problem. Treatments are recommended as a preventative. This treatment is for certain shade trees only.
Deep Root Fertilizing
A root zone fertilizer application may be recommended for some landscapes that are struggling due to stresses such as heat, drought, disease or insect damage can benefit from a fall root zone fertilizer application formulated to help promote growth and recovery in the upcoming year.
Fungicide Treatments
Some landscape plants are prone to various diseases. If these occur your Four Seasons representative will advise you on options for treatments and cultural improvements to minimize these problems.
Free Service Calls
When you sign up with Four Seasons Total Care Tree and Shrub Program,should you have any questions with your landscaping plants call us and we will dispatch a representative to meet with you at no extra charge.
Miscellaneous Spraying Services
Soil Sterilizing and Bareground
Tired of seeing weeds show up in your gravel and rock areas? Four Seasons can take care of this problem on an annual basis.
Exterior Pest Control
Four Seasons will treat quarterly around the perimeter of your home, garage, shop, or office, to control spiders, ants, and other crawlers from invading your living or work area.
Noxious Weed Contol
County weedcontrol boards require property owners to keep their Noxious weeds controlled. Four Seasons uses a variety of equipment for the most efficient and effective methods to control these problem weeds.